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be part of our user database You remember those things. My elementary school days were over 30 years ago but I can still remember some things that I was proud of, and a few things that I to this day ashamed of. If someone brought up one of those things to me, I would absolutely apologize..  9 points submitted 1 month agoNever look at the exact stats of your item, look 80 90% below your stats and it will give you a good idea what to price. Sure it has less hp and resistance, but it has 10% more movement speed and costs a fraction of your price. From how I see it, I have no reason to buy your boots over these ones I just found.patrincs 3 points submitted 2 months agoThere not really any required items outside of the gloves which you already have. We also have several cases in my family of siblings marrying cousins who are siblings. So two brothers, 2nd cousins to two sisters, marrying each other. At least one set of twins married a set of siblings. I understand the Teen Titans ...